मिशन उत्कर्ष
माननीय प्रधान मंत्री द्वारा शुरू की गई पहल 10 चयनित जिलों के लिए जिले में मोबाइल के साथ कवर किए गए गांवों के केपीआई (की परफॉरमेंस इंडिकेटर) को एक वर्ष में राज्य औसत और राष्ट्रीय औसत या वर्तमान स्तर से दो साल के समय में बेहतर करने के लिए शुरू की गई है।
भारत के अन्य जिलों के प्रदर्शन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए इस पहल के तहत प्राप्त अनुभव का उपयोग करना।
मोबाइल से आच्छादित आबादी वाले गांवों का प्रतिशत
*डेटा दिनांक के अनुसार: 31-07-2024
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
43.64 |
Current level of KPI |
75.00 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
67.08 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
65.89 |
Current level of KPI |
74.89 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
88.91 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
43.48 |
Current level of KPI |
59.42 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
64.43 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
39.9 |
Current level of KPI |
67.58 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
94.20 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
70.65 |
Current level of KPI |
78.69 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
95.96 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
46.46 |
Current level of KPI |
88.19 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
92.18 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
76.8 |
Current level of KPI |
93.49 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
96.47 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
49.94 |
Current level of KPI |
80.01 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
93.57 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
45.27 |
Current level of KPI |
75.87 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
92.03 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
Status of KPI in district before launch of Mission Utkarsh (Baseline) |
51.7 |
Current level of KPI |
80.94 |
State average (pertaining to State in which the district concern fall) |
95.64 |
National average of the KPI |
96.20 |
मोबाइल से आच्छादित आबादी वाले गांवों का प्रतिशत
*डेटा दिनांक के अनुसार: 31-07-2024