The USP received the subsidy from the date RCP is installed and made functional. The equated annual subsidy payable quarterly in arrears shall be given up to a maximum period of 5 years from the date RCPs installed and made functional.
In cases of faults for more than 7 days in a quarter, the subsidy shall be deducted proportionately for the total number of days RCP remained faulty during the quarter.
RCPs that remain disconnected on account of non-payment and RCPs that register no incremental meter reading during the entire quarter shall not qualify for any subsidy support for that quarter
- vide USO letter no.30-101/2002-USF dt 14.09.04
Claims from QE December 2007 onwards, should contain a list of NIMR/Closed/DNP Nos
- vide USO letter no.1-1/2007-USOF dated 19th November 2007
Subsidy claims from QE June 2008 onwards should be certified by the concerned GM/DGM (TR) to the effect that information furnished in the claim tallies with the billing record
- vide USO letter no.1-1/2008-USOF dated 6th May 2008
Roll out period modified vide USOF - Technical letter No. 30-133/2008-USF (Vol.VI) dt. 03.10.2008, circulated vide USO-Fin. Letter No.
- 1-5/2004-USF (RCP) (Pt)/1422-1444 dated 21.10.2008 in respect of Reliance and vide USOF-Technical No.30-133/2008-USF (Vol.VI) dt. 24.09.2008 and circulated vide USO-Fin. Letter No.1-5/2004-USF (RCP) (Pt)/1367-1390 dated 01/10.10.2008 in respect of BSNL