About DBN
Provision of quality and affordable mobile and digital services across the rural and remote areas of the country; allowing non-discriminatory access to mobile and network services along with equitable access to knowledge and information dissemination, leading to a rapid socio-economic development with improved standard of living.
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What we do

Provide widespread and non-discriminatory access to quality ICT services at affordable prices in rural & remote areas.

What we do
What we do
  • Promote universal access to telecommunication services in underserved rural, remote, and urban areas.
  • Facilitate research and development of telecommunication services, technologies, and products.
  • Provide support for pilot projects, consultancy services, and advisory assistance for service provision.
  • Encourage the adoption of new telecommunication services, technologies, and products. 
Why we do

Narrowing the access gaps and removing the barriers to information dissemination and access to knowledge.

Why we do
Why we do
  • Reducing the digital divide within the country and promoting economic growth through augmenting of digital connectivity and digital services in rural and remote India
  • Mainstreaming the underserved and unserved areas or groups by bridging the 'Access Gaps'
  • Addressing the "Lack of a business case” for telecom companies and  the market gap or failure for ICT services in rural and remote areas 
For Whom

People of rural and remote areas of the country where ICT services are not available due to commercial non-viability.

For Whom
For Whom
  • Rural, remote and urban areas of the country where ICT services are not available due to commercial non-viability, on account of sparse population, remoteness of areas, absence of supporting infrastructure, low income of inhabitants and insurgency
  • Universal Service Obligation (USO) Fund steps in to provide subsidy support thereby incentivizing telecom service providers to venture forth and provide services to such target beneficiaries

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Press Releases

  • Amendment of Agreement No.30-164/2018-USOF-LWE-II- Implementation Pt (3) dated 28-09-2021 [2023-11-29] View
  • Amendment of Agreement No.30-164/2018-USOF-LWE-II- Implementation Pt (3) dated 01-10-2021 [2023-11-29] View
  • Amendment in Agreement no. USOF/Aspirational Districts/Raj/2020 dated 22-03-2021 [2023-08-31] View
  • Amendment in Agreement No. USOF/Aspirational Districts/MP&UP/2020 dated 17-03-2021 [2023-08-31] View
  • Amendment in Agreement no. USOF/Aspirational Districts/Bihar/2020 dated 22-03-2021 [2023-08-31] View