The USP shall receive a subsidy from the date VPT is installed and made functional. The equated annual subsidy payable quarterly in arrears shall be given up to a maximum period of 5 years from the date VPT is installed and made functional. The subsidy from the USOF shall be disbursed in four quarterly installments during each financial year. Each installment shall be disbursed quarterly in arrears.
In cases of faults for more than 7 days in a quarter, the subsidy shall be deducted proportionately for the total number of days VPT remained faulty during the quarter. In cases, however, where the VPT remains faulty for 45 days or more in a quarter, no subsidy for the entire quarter shall be allowed.
VPTs that remain disconnected on account of non-payment and VPTs that register no incremental meter reading during the entire quarter shall not qualify for any subsidy support for that quarter
- vide USO letter no.30-101/2002-USF dt 14.09.04
Claims from QE December 2007 onwards should contain a list of NIMR/Closed/DNP Nos.
- vide USO letter no.1-1/2007-USOF dated 19th November 2007
Subsidy claims from QE June 2008 onwards should be certified by the concerned GM/DGM (TR) to the effect that information furnished in the claim tallies with the billing record
Roll Out conditions modified vide USOF-Technical letter no. 30-130/2007-USF/ Vol VIII dated 04.02.2009, circulated vide USOF-Finance letter no.
- 1-6/2005-USOF(Part)/2281-2303 dated 17.02.2009 further modified vide USOF-Technical letter No.
- 30-130/2004-USF dated 25.06.2010 and
- 30-130/2011-USF dated 04.04.2011